We recently tweeted a meme, “What if all Yats can be Face Yats?”, a question that has been playing on the minds of the team behind 👽⭐☁️ for some weeks now.
Our designer Wyn (🍥☠️🍥) had been experimenting with backgrounds for Face Yats (a collection of emojis, typically a pattern of 3 or 5, resembling a face).
What we realised though, as he developed the idea further, was that the emojis didn’t even need to resemble facial features to look amazing, because almost any combination of emojis were instantly recognisable as eyes, nose, and ears, as soon as you layered them over the top of a face background.
With this breakthrough, we realised that we could help people personalise their Yats through the creation of avatars, adorned with their favourite string of emojis.
This is delivering on a concept that we discussed a couple of weeks ago (Emojis as universal NFT traits). We are using emojis (Yats 🖖) as the base (trait) layer of the avatars 👤.
Introducing Yavatars (🖖 + 👤)
Yavatars (or Yavis for short) are our way of personalising your Yats so that you can use them in even more versatile ways than the banners we already have available.
Now you can display your Yat anywhere online that an avatar suits. Collect one or collect many and change your Yavatar whenever it suits, continuing to display the same emoji string, even as you radically change the appearance.
We are starting with the selection of Yavatars you see here, including two limited edition ‘Pumpkin Heads’ for Halloween.
Our Pumpkin Heads will only be available to order until October 31st and we recommend only selecting from the existing list of Dark Emojis to guarantee delivery prior to Halloween.
Join us by dressing up your Yat for Halloween this year 🎃.
VR headset Yavatars: We adjust the headset size relative to the length of the Yat, so you can be sure it will look great regardless of the number of emojis you select 😍🥽
We are seeking collaborating artists
If you are an artist who would like to collaborate with us by creating your own Yatavar (or banner) background, allowing people to combine them with our Dark Emojis, we encourage you to contact us.